1. Title Page

Include the following information:

  • Title: A concise, descriptive title (10-15 words).
  • Authors: Full names, affiliations, and contact emails.
  • Corresponding Author: Clearly specify the corresponding author’s contact details.

2. Abstract

Provide a structured abstract (max 250 words) with these subheadings:

  • Background: Brief context of the study.
  • Objective: Purpose of the research.
  • Methods: Summary of methodology used.
  • Results: Key findings.
  • Conclusion: Implications of the study.

Keywords: List 3-6 keywords related to the study.

3. Main Text Sections

Original Research Articles

  • Introduction: Background, research question, or hypothesis.
  • Methods: Describe study design, participant selection, ethical considerations, data collection, and analysis techniques.
  • Results: Present findings with appropriate tables and figures.
  • Discussion: Interpret results, compare to prior studies, and discuss limitations.
  • Conclusion: Summarize key takeaways and implications.

Review Articles

  • Introduction: Outline the topic’s importance.
  • Methods (if applicable): Describe the literature search strategy.
  • Findings: Summarize and analyze significant studies and trends.
  • Conclusion: Summary and future research directions.

Case Reports

  • Introduction: Brief background.
  • Case Presentation: Detail patient symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
  • Discussion: Explain relevance to existing literature and learning points.
  • Conclusion: Summarize case significance.

Short Communications

  • Format: Abbreviated Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections (1500 words).

4. Formatting Guidelines

  • Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt.
  • Line Spacing: Single Line spacing throughout the document.
  • Margins: 1 inch on all sides.
  • Headings and Sub-headings: Bold.

5. Tables and Figures

Guidelines for tables and figures:

  • Placement: Place tables and figures at the end with references in the text.
  • Resolution: Minimum 300 dpi for photos, 600 dpi for line art, preferably 1200 dpi for complex data.
  • File Formats: JPEG, PNG, or TIFF; EPS for line art and graphs.

6. References

Use Vancouver style for citations:

  • In-text citations: Numbered in square brackets [1], [2], etc.
  • Reference List: Listed at the end in order of appearance.

7. Ethical Guidelines

Include ethics approval information for studies involving human or animal subjects.

8. Submission Instructions

  • Format: PDF or Word document.
  • Review Process: Peer-reviewed process; plagiarism checked with Turnitin, with a limit of < 15% excluding references.
  • Additional Fees: INR 50/page for content over 28 pages.